Laser Tattoo Removal
No more regrets! Erase those unwanted tattoos using the latest FDA-approved laser technology for safe and effective removal. Laser tattoo removal is quick, has minimal side effects, and requires no post-treatment downtime.
*Please note most areas require 8-12 sessions minimum
Benefits of Laser Hair Removal:
- Effective fading and removal of tattoos
- No long term damage
- Permanent Results
- Effective for all Skin Types
- Affordable plans for any budget
How does Laser Tattoo Removal work?
Laser treatments use an intense beam of light to gently remove unwanted, damaged, or diseased cells without harming the surrounding healthy cells. When the laser energy is absorbed in the tattooed skin, it breaks up the ink that causes the discoloration and allows it to be removed through the body’s natural cleansing process. For laser tattoo removal, we use VersaPulse lasers. The VersaPulse laser is highly effective in treating a wide variety of ink colors, even the most difficult to remove.
What is the best Tattoo Removal Laser?
The VersaPulse Laser is the industry Gold-Standard for the removal of unwanted tattoos. People get tattoos for a wide variety of reasons. As that cute little butterfly turns into a large vulture, many clients want to erase that reminder of their youthful days. Some clients may want to lighten a tattoo so that their tattoo artist can cover it with something more vibrant or up to date. We can help all of these situations.
How does the VersaPulse Laser Remove a Tattoo?
The VersaPulse laser uses three wavelengths of light energy that are absorbed by a specific tattoo ink’s color beneath the skin. The absorption of this energy causes the ink to heat-up and fragment into microscopic particles that are slowly taken away by the immune system. This immune response actually removes the tattoo!
What to Expect During this Treatment?
Clients experience a sting, like the snap of a rubber band on the skin, followed by the feeling of sunburn. If you would feel more comfortable with local anesthesia or ice, these options are available to you. Length and number of treatments depend on the size, location, depth, and color of your tattoo. New and dark-colored tattoos require more treatments than older, faded tattoos. Treatments are usually spaced four to six weeks apart to allow your body to remove the maximum amount of pigmented or tattooed cells.
Is it safe?
VersaPulse lasers have been successfully used in thousands of tattoo removal treatments. When performed by a trained laser specialist the VersaPulse treatments are one of the safest and most effective treatments available to date.
How many Treatments are Needed?
The number of treatments needed is anywhere from 6-12 to lighten the tattoo but varies based on many factors including:
- Age and location of the tattoo
- Depth and color of the ink
- Patient’s skin type (natural color of the skin)
- The strength of the patient’s immune system
What Results Can I Expect From This Treatment?
Most clients will see improvement in appearance after the first treatment. Sometimes this improvement is dramatic, and sometimes it can be subtle. It takes time for the immune system to fully absorb the treated ink.
How much does Tattoo Removal Cost?
Pricing is based on the size of the tattoo – Minimum price of $99 per treatment. Larger/multiple tattoos range from $350+ and are determined case by case.
Pre Treatment
- Sun exposure, including tanning beds and the application of sunless tanning products, must be avoided for 2 weeks prior and after the treatment, preferably 4 weeks. Sun exposure, tanning, and sunless tanning products decrease the effectiveness of the laser treatment and increase the chance of post-treatment complications.
- Area to be treated must be clean, and free of any lotion, makeup, and sunscreen. If you have any of these on, they must be completely washed off prior to treatment.
- Accutane and any other photosensitizing medication should be discontinued for a period of at least 6 months prior to receiving treatment and should not be used during your course of treatment.
- Waxing and/or the use of chemical depilatories must be avoided in the treatment area for 2 weeks before and after the treatment to avoid skin sensitivity. Shaving is allowed before treatment to remove surface hair in the areas to be treated.
- You may not be pregnant for any treatment.
- During the course of your treatments, notify our staff of any changes to your medical history, health status, or personal activities that may be relevant to your treatment.
Post Treatment
The tattoo removal laser treatment may create a superficial burn wound. Some clients may experience bruising or swelling. There is immediate whitening of the treated area, which usually lasts for several minutes. Many clients then develop blisters, crusts, or scabs within 12-72 hours, which may last for 1-2 weeks or more. The treated areas may be pink or pale after the scab separates. Loss of skin pigment in the treated area is common and is usually temporary. Healing is usually complete by 6-8 weeks.
- Keep the treated area clean and dry while it is healing. Clean the area gently with soap and water and then gently pat the area dry. You may apply a thin coating of antibiotic ointment up to three times a day while the area is healing if you keep the area covered with a sterile dressing
- You may apply cool compresses as necessary for 24 hours after the laser treatment to help reduce discomfort and inflammation. You may take plain Tylenol, but avoid aspirin (it can increase the risk of bruising and/or bleeding.)
- Do not pick at the scab or allow the skin to become scraped, as this may result in infection and scarring. Shaving should be avoided in the treated area until it is completely healed.
- Do not wear makeup or any cream or medication unless recommended by our office for 48 hours.
- Wear a sunblock with an SPF of 25 or higher over the area for 3 months following the treatment.
- If the area looks infected (honey-colored crusting and oozing or spreading redness), if you experience an unusual discomfort or bleeding, if any other complications develop, or if you have any questions or concerns, contact the office immediately. Of course, if you have any extreme reaction (such as moderate to severe facial swelling, moderate to severe rash, any difficulty breathing, or you are in any distress) call 911 and go to the emergency department.
Follow Up
On average, most people will need 4 to 8 treatments spaced 6 to 8 weeks apart.
Avoid any tanning in between treatments as this increases your risk of burning during your treatment.
- Photosensitive medications (e.g. Alpha Hydroxyl or Glycolic Acid) within a week of treatment
- Pregnancy
- Known anti-coagulative or thromboembolic condition or use of anticoagulation medication
- Uncontrolled Diabetes
- Active infection at the site of treatment
- History of seizures triggered by light
- Presence of a deep suntan, sunburn, or artificially toned skin. Avoid sun exposure and tanning, including self-tanning products for 2-4 weeks prior to treatment. Remove skin bronzers completely prior to treatment.